


About ELA International Landscape Award

"ELA International Landscape Award" by the authoritative media ARCHINA sponsored by the international level landscape design awards.The Organizing Committee of the Awards adheres to the principles of fairness, justice and openness, upholds the professional media point of view, takes into account media communication, and is committed to building a brand of awards rooted in China, oriented to the world, with sustainable influence.

The jury is composed of experts from relevant professional fields at home and abroad, and adopts a five-dimensional scoring model by secret ballot, covering: ecological, environmental, economic, esthetic and education. After four sessions, the ELA has been recognized by famous design companies in China, USA,Japan,UK, Germany, Canada and Australia.

  • ELA国际景观大奖资源得天独厚,由设计行业资深主流媒体发起,您可以获得在百万用户网络平台上向 世界展示作品的机会;
  • 将采用“网络投票+专家评选”双管齐下的形式,力求奖项的专业性、权威性与可监督化;
  • 最佳案例提名将获得ARCHINA和ELA景观网,及公众号的推介,参与网络票选,竞选最具人气项目;
  • 所有获奖项目有机会被收录进由ARCHINA和广西师范大学出版社联合出版的《2021建筑中国景观年鉴》(暂定名)中;
  • 所有的获奖项目,包括公司网址、公众号二维码和联系方式,都将出现在ARCHINA和ELA网站,这些 重要信息将上载到年度获奖作品页面,以增加您在社交媒体上的曝光率和影响力;
  • 评选期间开展一系列的沙龙活动,将为参评企业创造纵向延伸、横向联合的机会。网站、微信、微博及 通过线上线下多个渠道进行全面宣传报道,让参加评选的作品、企业形象;
  • 品牌特色从不同角度全方位得到宣传推广,给您在市场拓展与新客户开发方面带来的新机遇。