普利斯设计集团宣布并购 James Birrell Design Lab (JBDL)。此次并购是一个重要的里程碑,标志着这一荣获诸多奖项的规划设计公司加强对于区域市场的承诺和对于场所营造的专注。

Place Design Group has announced the acquisition of James Birrell Design Labs (JBDL). The move represents a significant milestone for the internationally award-winning planning and design firm in strengthening its commitment to the regions and focus on place making.

集团首席执行官 Beth Toon 表示此次并购是一次难得的机遇,使区域人才加入到拥有国际业务和声誉的普利斯设计集团。

Beth Toon, CEO, Place Design Group, said the acquisition is a rare opportunity to bring regional talent into the Place Design Group fold who have international reach and reputation.

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“我们非常高兴宣布这一新的服务——普利斯设计集团 James Birrell 设计实验室(Place Design Group inc. James Birrell Design Lab)。今天,我们正见证着前所未有的跨区域高速发展——重要基础设施和社区塑造项目不断涌现。JBDL 主管 James Birrell 是澳大利亚繁荣发展的阳光海岸地区行业领导者。作为阳光海岸大型交通枢纽(Sunshine Coast Mass Transit)项目的创始人,从2006年提出原始概念一直到如今在阳光海岸轻轨项目组(Sunshine Coast Light Rail Taskforce)任职,Birrell 已经推动了本地的重大变化。将 JBDL 团队的专长与跨领域专业能力带入普利斯设计集团对我们来说无疑是非常成功的一步。”

“We are incredibly excited to announce our new offering – Place Design Group inc. James Birrell Design Lab. Today more than ever, we are seeing rapid change across our regions, with major infrastructure and community shaping projects coming online. James Birrell, head of JBDL is a leading voice on Australia’s thriving Sunshine Coast and is already driving significant change for the region as the founding father forthe Sunshine Coast Mass Transit project, having developed the original concepts in 2006 and now sitting on the SCLR Taskforce. Bringing the team’s focus and multi-disciplinary expertise into our wider group is a huge coup for us.

JBDL 是一个充满活力的设计咨询公司,拥有城市设计、景观设计、社区咨询、场所制造、激活、艺术和活动策划领域的多元专业能力。团队位于阳光海岸,其项目涉足本土和国际范围,主导的设计项目包括位于塔斯马尼亚州的比舍诺镇中心更新(Bicheno Town Centre Revitalisation)、中国的中山商业园区(Zhongshan Business Park)、克罗地亚的 Sveti Rok 高尔夫球场(Sveti Rok Golf Course)、以及与居住在塔斯马尼亚的艺术家 Amanda Parer 合作的艺术展“奇妙星球(Fantastic Planet)”,该艺术展曾在全球各地包括巴黎、布拉格、芬兰和台湾巡展。JBDL 支持丰富文化和以环境为中心的城市系统和景观,遵循现代化和人性化的设计风格。

JBDL is a dynamic design consultancy with adiverse skill set across urban design, landscape architecture, community consultation, placemaking, activation and event curation. Based on the Sunshine Coast, the team has built a national and international footprint, leading designs such as Bicheno Town Centre Revitalisation in Tasmania, Zhongshan Business Park in China, Sveti Rok Golf Course in Croatia, and Fantastic Planet, an art curation with Tasmanian based artist Amanda Parer, which has toured globally including Paris, Prague, Finland and Taiwan. The consultancy is a proponent of culturally rich and environmentally focused urban systems and landscapes that are defined by a modernist and humanist approach to design.   

Birrell 表示他和他的团队非常高兴能够加入普利斯设计集团。

Mr Birrell said he and his team are thrilled to join Place Design Group.


“自2014 年创立 JBDL 起,我的愿景是打造出有活力的设计实践,同时通过文化策划和社区赋权来激活场所。我们取得了非常大的成就,而如今这一愿景的进一步实现将迈出非常重要的一步,即加入普利斯设计集团,与在澳洲、中国和东南亚地区的超过200人的实力团队共事、分享项目经验。”

“Having established JBDL in 2014, my vision was to create a dynamic design practice that also activated places through cultural curation and community empowerment. Having achieved so much, the ability to continue to drive this vision will now take a significant leap forward, joining Place Design Group and having access to a 200 strong team and project experience across Australia, China, and South East Asia.”

从穆鲁拉巴(Mooloolaba)的复兴、阳光海岸机场的兴建、全新马鲁基尔多(Maroochydore)城市中心和阳光海岸大学医院的规划设计,到如今的重要项目,包括昆士兰州旅游地标“大菠萝”(Big Pineapple)、Stockland 的极光色彩之城(Aura City of Colour),以及重点基建项目阳光海岸轻轨(Sunshine Coast Light Rail)——在过去的20年里,普利斯设计集团在这些塑造阳光海岸的重大项目中留下了丰富的印迹。

Place Design Group has a rich legacy of major projects that have shaped the Sunshine Coast over the last twenty years.  From the renewal of Mooloolaba, development of the Sunshine Coast Airport, planning and design of the new Maroochydore City Centre and Sunshine Coast University Hospital, to today’s significant projects including the renewal of Queensland Tourism’s iconic Big Pineapple, Stockland’s Aura City of Colour, and major infrastructure project, the Sunshine Coast Light Rail.


The acquisition has strengthened Place Design Group’s ability to make a significant contribution to the Sunshine Coast community for the next twenty years. It also enables the firm to continue to grow a new form of diversified and innovative design leadership. This will not only benefit locally but more broadly across their Australian and international teams with the firm’s collaborative design approach.  


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