
Ahead of the opening of their new Berlin office in September, MVRDV has launched a new exhibition at the Architektur Galerie Berlin, celebrating almost 30 years’ worth of work in Germany. The walls of MVRDV Haus Berlin form a densely packed archive that shows off both current and past German projects by MVRDV – including unseen projects from our past and newly-revealed future projects. At the same time, a team of MVRDV’s architects working on German projects transforms part of the exhibition into a ‘working office’ that gives visitors an insight into MVRDV’s working methods.


图/Image: © Jan Bitter
MVRDV Haus Berlin is open at the Architektur Galerie Berlin through August 22nd

MVRDV与德国的联系始于MVRDV的第一个项目,1991年Europan大奖获奖作品Berlin Voids(柏林空洞),这个项目的理念将MVRDV的设计定义为一种实践。不久之后, 新成立的MVRDV办公室在德国再一次实现了大胆的设计:同样激进和令人印象深刻的2000年汉诺威世博会荷兰馆,它成为了那届世博会的标志性建筑。

MVRDV’s relationship with Germany began in their very first project, the Europan 1991 winner Berlin Voids. The project encapsulates ideas that have come to define MVRDV’s work as a practice, and soon the bold designs of the newly founded MVRDV office were implemented in Germany: The equally radical and impressive proposal for the Dutch pavilion at Expo 2000 became an icon on the Expo site in Hannover.

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图/Image:  © MVRDV

MVRDV Haus Berlin replicates the spirit of the firm’s headquarters in Rotterdam

在此之后,MVRDV为德国设计了更多的建筑,有些还停留在纸面上,但大部分都已经实现了。例如,2000年世博会后不久建成的Unterfohring公园村,2019年在慕尼黑完成的Werk12混合功能项目;正在施工中的汉堡创新港口二期、Zollhafen Mainz等;此外,还有更多的项目正在设计中,如基尔的KoolKiel综合体、波茨坦创意园区、以及最新公开的汉诺威世博会荷兰馆2.0,即对原2000年世博会荷兰馆建筑的改造和扩建项目。

But there is much more architecture by MVRDV in Germany, some only on paper but much of it realized. For example, the Unterföhring Park Village was completed shortly after Expo 2000, while Werk12 in Munich was completed in 2019. Other projects are currently under construction such as Phase 2 of Hamburg Innovation Port and Zollhafen Mainz, and more designs are in progress, such as the KoolKiel development, Kreativquartier Potsdam, and the recently announced Expo Pavilion 2.0, including renovations and additions to the original Expo 2000 building.

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图/Image:  © MVRDV
A team of MVRDV’s architects working on German projects transforms part of the exhibition into a ‘working office’


MVRDV Haus Berlin replicates the spirit of the firm’s headquarters in Rotterdam, not only in appearance with signature wall-to-wall orange monochrome, but also in its transparency. Visitors are invited to enter a working office, gaining insight into not only MVRDV’s projects but also the way MVRDV works.

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图/Image: © Jan Bitter

“当年我们参加Europan大赛时,我们的首要目的并不是项目能否建成——而是激进性,“MVRDV联合创始人Jacob Van Rijs说道:”现在我们有机会参与更多的德国项目,其中一些设计已经实现了,我们期待把这种激进的风格永久地带入柏林。我们希望我们在‘MVRDV之家——柏林’展览中分享的设计和工作方法将成为MVRDV与其他德国建筑师、业主、政府和公众之间富有成效的思想交流的开始。”

“When we competed in Europan, whether or not the project would be built was not our main priority – being radical was”, says founding partner Jacob Van Rijs. “Now that we’ve had a chance to work more in Germany and even built some of our designs, we look forward to bringing that radical streak to Berlin on a permanent basis. We hope that sharing our work and working methods in MVRDV Haus Berlin will form the start of a productive exchange of ideas between MVRDV and other German architects, clients, officials, and the public.”

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图/Image:  © Architektur Galerie Berlin. Photo Till Budde
The walls of MVRDV Haus Berlin form a densely packed archive that shows off both current and past German projects by MVRDV


MVRDV Haus Berlin is open at the Architektur Galerie Berlin through August 22nd. The firm’s new permanent office near Park am Gleisdreieck will open in September.


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