2024年3月13日,盛裕集团 (Surbana Jurong) 迎来了一个激动人心的时刻 —— 盛裕全球总部盛裕园区(SJ Campus)正式揭开了它神秘的面纱。SAA作为盛裕集团旗下重要的成员,对此感到无比自豪。

The Surbana Jurong Group recently celebrated the grand opening of its new global headquarters, the Surbana Jurong Campus, on 13 March 2024. As an integral member of the Group, SAA Architects was proud to participate in this landmark occasion.


副总理黄循财、盛裕集团高层与SAA CEO杨秀侠共同点亮集团新口号 “协力致远”(Real impact, made together)

新加坡副总理兼财政部长黄循财(Lawrence Wong)亲临现场,共同见证了开幕仪式。黄循财先生在讲话中强调了新加坡建筑设计和工程领域强大跨学科能力的重要性。

Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong attended the opening ceremony of the Campus as guest of honour. In his speech, DPM Wong emphasised the importance of having robust multi-disciplinary capabilities in the building design and engineering fields in Singapore.


开幕式在多功能厅举行,共有270位嘉宾和400位盛裕同仁出席,包括集团股东淡马锡控股、集团主席马切·林 (Chaly Mah) 先生和董事会成员、设计合作伙伴萨夫迪建筑事务所(Safdie Architects)、资本合作伙伴英国保诚集团(M&G plc)、施工合作伙伴宝盛新加坡有限公司(Boustead Singapore Limited)、裕廊集团公司(JTC Corporation)、新加坡建屋局(BCA)和新加坡城市重建局(URA)的代表等。

The ceremony was well-attended, with more than 270 guests and 400 colleagues gathering at the Campus’ multi-purpose hall. Notable attendees included SJ’s shareholder Temasek, SJ Chairman Chaly Mah along with the SJ board of directors, representatives from design partner Safdie Architects, capital partner M&G PLC, construction partner Boustead Singapore Limited, JTC Corporation, the Building and Construction Authority, and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore.

盛裕集团主席马切·林 (Chaly Mah)和首席执行官乔全生(Sean Chiao)发表演讲


The event featured a reception at the Tropical Grove, an expansive atrium indoor garden filled with natural light. It marked a milestone as employees from SJ’s different entities based in Singapore are now united under one roof since the group’s formation in 2015.





SAA副首席运营官梁应杰Michael Leong先生也借此机会向副总理黄循财先生展示了SAA的代表性项目 – 新加坡最大的医院兀兰综合医疗园区 (Woodlands Health Campus)。

SAA Architects Deputy CEO Michael Leong also had the privilege of presenting SAA’s recently completed project, Woodlands Health Campus, to DPM Wong, showcasing our expertise and commitment to excellence in delivering urban and healthcare infrastructure developments.

该园区是由萨夫迪建筑师事务所(Safdie Architects)与盛裕集团建筑师合作设计,SJ Campus重新诠释了自然与工作场所之间和谐共生的关系。它完美融合了新加坡“花园城市”的特色,成为一座“自然环抱的园区”,不仅可容纳4000名员工,还能为更广泛的社会人员提供便利。

Designed by Safdie Architects working with SJ’s architects, SJ Campus reenvisions the relationship between nature and the workplace. Aligning with the character of Singapore as a “City in Nature”, SJ Campus is a “Campus in Nature” that can accommodate 4,000 onsite employees and the wider community.

盛裕园区位于新加坡裕廊创新区(JID),占地面积约120万平方英尺,绿意盎然的园区将成为盛裕集团各公司迸发创意、开拓创新和携手合作的枢纽,期待共同实现我们的新愿景——协力致远(Real impact, made together), 共创美好未来。

The expansive and green campus has been our nexus for creativity, innovation, and collaboration with the SJ group of companies, and we look forward to creating real impact, made together.



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