波鸿鲁尔大学IA/IB/IC教学楼改扩建 | 盖博建筑设计

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Renovation of I-Complex in Ruhr University Bochum

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The I-complex at Ruhr University Bochum was originally constructed in 1965 serving for the university's engineering colleges. Between 2009 and 2018, Gerber Architekten initiated a comprehensive renovation and upgrade of the IA, IB, and IC complex. The IC complex, recognized as an architectural heritage, underwent a thorough renovation of its façade and internal core, based on the restoration of historical buildings. In contrast, the IA/IB complex were demolished and rebuilt due to the poor condition of the original structures. These three buildings have been revitalized in distinct ways, but all contributing to the reshaping of Ruhr University Bochum's campus image for future research.


©Jürgen Landes



Reframing the campus

位于德国波鸿的波鸿鲁尔大学(Ruhr University Bochum,简称RUB)于1965年建成开放。整个校园规划井然、外观统一、结构清晰,所有建筑按照学科分类形成了医学、自然科学、人文学、工程学四大区域,其中校园北部的I系列建筑群(包括IA-IB-IC-ID四栋教学楼)即工程学区,也是该校历史最悠久的建筑群,因此在该校的振兴计划中,I系列建筑群首当其冲,进行了翻新改造。

The Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) in Bochum, Germany, was established in 1965. The campus is in a meticulously unified and clearly organized plan, where buildings are categorized by discipline, forming four major areas: medicine, natural sciences, humanities, and engineering. The I-complex, situated in the north of the campus, comprises the oldest structures and serves as the engineering colleges district, which consequently made it the primary focus for renovation.


IA/IB/IC 改造前旧影



Following an assessment by the architectural heritage management department, the IC complex, recognized as a historic structure, underwent core renovation after pollutant treatment, preserving its architectural significance; while the IA/IB complex was demolished due to excessive pollution, and reconstructed to match the original buildings' height and shape, aiming to maintain the architectural characteristics of the entire campus.

These three academic buildings have been revitalized in various ways, reshaping the campus's original image and transcending their original teaching and experimental functions to create mixed-use spaces for future research.




Around 2007, due to the aging of the curtain wall coatings and the changing nature of some of the construction materials that produced harmful gases, the development of research equipment that required laboratory renovations and upgrades, and the desire of students and faculty to add more cultural and public spaces, an “Excellence Plan” was proposed for a period of more than 20 years that would renovate the entire campus, from façade maintenance to interior spaces.

As the most important planning and architectural design participant since the University’s campus renovation and expansion plan was launched in 2009, Gerber Architekten has been involved in Multiple projects.



Renovating the IC-Complex



The goal of renovating the IC complex was to preserve the spatial and architectural features of the original structure while creating a functional, well-equipped, and high-quality learning and research environment for approximately 5,000 students and scientists. Thus, the design of the renovation focuses on reshaping of the relationship between the building's "shell" and "core."

IC 教学楼改造前后对比

©Jürgen Landes


同时,在东西立面上创造出两个三层通高的全玻璃幕墙区域 ,打破了原立面的沉闷感,并以此最大化了建筑内部看向校园的自然视野。

On the one hand, the "shell" maintains the original building's style, incorporating windows and escape balconies as key elements. The design is transformed through the use of alternating aluminum plates and steel railings, creating a rhythmic facade. Additionally, new balconies are added to aid in shading and facade cleaning.

Simultaneously, two three-story glass areas are introduced on the east and west facades, breaking the monotony of the original facade and maximizing the building's natural views from within.


©Jürgen Landes

©Jürgen Landes

而在“核”方面,IC教学楼经由改造,容纳了2个340座的大型演讲厅, 57个实验室,以及众多的研讨室和办公室。


On the other hand, the "core" is renovated for additional functional spaces, including two large lecture halls with 340 seats, 57 laboratories, and numerous seminar rooms and offices.

As a comprehensive teaching building shared by colleges of Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Engineering, the design creates a highly efficient and flexible space that meets the demands of professional research and the installation of large-scale technical equipment across various disciplines, while providing necessary adjustment, separation, and transition spaces, with the consideration of the differences in research requirements across disciplines.

IC 演讲厅

©Jürgen Landes

IC 实验室/研究室

©Jürgen Landes

IC 办公休息区

©Jürgen Landes




Furthermore, the design restructures the internal circulation, aiming to integrate and simplify the circulation and functional layout as much as possible.

Along the north-south axis, the core library, dean's office, and administrative area are systematically connected, while the student station, dining area, and seminar rooms are arranged along the perimeter to maximize natural lighting and ventilation, enhancing the quality of the internal space.

Along the east-west axis, three-story glass corridors are designed to connect IB and ID, fostering communication between different buildings and creating a visual connection between the building and the inner courtyard.

IC 内部庭院与玻璃门廊

©Jürgen Landes

IC 餐厅

©Jürgen Landes


IA/IB 教学楼重建

Rebuilding the IA/IB-Complex


Different from the renovation of the IC complex, the IA/IB complex had to adopt the strategy of "reconstruction" due to serious pollution. In close coordination with the architectural heritage management department, these two buildings were demolished and rebuilt in reference to the original buildings to echo the original form and exterior features of the RUB campus.


©Jürgen Landes


On the facade, the design language for the new buildings aligns with the original IA and IB, while referencing the renovated IC. This integration ensures a harmonious appearance within the I-complex, contributing to a complete and unified campus image.

IA 立面及其细节

©Jürgen Landes



Regarding internal space, areas with high foot traffic, such as lecture halls, student union areas, activity rooms, and service areas, are situated in the core area of the lower floors, while numerous laboratories, offices, teaching rooms, and student workplaces are located on the upper floors, optimizing space usage.

Additionally, considering that the IA and IB house the colleges of Earth Sciences, Mathematics, and Psychology, the layout has been optimally adjusted based on the teaching area, achieving a clear separation between the disciplines.

IA 演讲厅

©Jürgen Landes

IA 实验室/研究室

©Jürgen Landes

IA 办公休息区

©Jürgen Landes


一方面,设计以东西主干道贯穿IA 、IB,与IC建立联系,并结合无障碍设计,实现建筑与内部庭院相通。另一方面,建筑内采用了开放式楼梯间的设计,使内部各个楼层便捷可达的同时,形成了更直观的跨层视觉联系,从而鼓励更多交流。


It's important to note that the new IA/IB complex is designed to internally connect the entire northern surroundings of the I-complex.

The design utilizes the east-west main passageway to traverse IA/IB and connect IC, incorporating accessibility and communication between the building and the inner courtyard. Additionally, an open stairwell design within the building fosters a more intuitive visual connection, encouraging across levels communication.

These two new buildings are designed under the emphasis on providing spaces where people are willing to enjoy spending time. The design not only clearly expresses the functional relationship between the interior and exterior space, but also contributes to enhancing the campus and even the city landscape.


©Jürgen Landes


波鸿鲁尔大学IA/IB/IC教学楼 - 首层平面图

©Gerber Architekten

波鸿鲁尔大学IA/IB/IC教学楼 - 11层平面图

©Gerber Architekten

波鸿鲁尔大学IA/IB/IC教学楼 - 剖面图

©Gerber Architekten

项目信息Project Data





IC 综合教学楼改造

方案设计: 2009-2013


建筑面积: 52,310 平方米

IA/IB 综合教学楼新建
方案设计: 2012-2017
建设时间: 2015-2018
建筑面积: 64,500平方米

Renovation of I-Complex in Ruhr University Bochum

Client: Land NRW vertr. d. BLB NRW, NL Dortmund

Service Scope: Architecture, Interior

Specialty: Listed building, rennovation

Renovating of IC-Complex

Design: 2009-2013

Construction: 2011-2013

GFA: 52,310 sqm

Rebuilding of IA/IB-Complex

Design: 2012-2017

Construction: 2015-2018

GFA: 64,500 sqm

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