丹麦哥本哈根嘉士伯啤酒厂再生计划 | SHL建筑事务所

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多功能综合开发项目紧邻丹麦哥本哈根新嘉士伯街区CarlsbergByen District西北角著名的象门(Elephant Gate),由DahlerupsTower和Caroline Hus组成的,总建筑面积约39800 m²。新的综合开发占据了一整片城市街区,包含一座80米高的塔楼,将容纳17000 m²住宅,7000 m²办公,2000 m²的零售、咖啡厅和餐厅,以及14000 m² 的地下室和泊车空间。

Dahlerups Tower and the surrounding CarolineHus together make up a 39,800 m² mixed-use development situated close to the famous Elephant Gates in the northwestern corner of the famous Carlsberg Byen site in Copenhagen, Denmark. Thedevelopment, which spans a full city block and includes an 80-metre tower, will comprise 17,000 m² of housing, 7,000 m² of offices,2,000 m² of retail, cafés, and restaurants, and 14,000m² of basement and parking space.

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The Carlsberg Brewery production plant was closed down back in 2008 and this former industrial site renowned for its rich architectural legacy has been re-emerging as a new sustainable city district: adense city structure with attractive urban spaces, public transport, and new buildings that complement the existing historical structures.

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“在哥本哈根这片独特的城区中,将有许多元素融入进来。新建筑紧邻象门,它将融入嘉士伯特殊的历史城区肌理,成为连接Ottilia Jacobsen广场和 Bryggernes广场,这两个主要公共区域的纽带。这里特殊的倾斜地形和周边的建筑遗产,使得项目更具吸引力,同时也为项目带来了技术性挑战。与此同时,塔楼将超越嘉士伯城区最高点,重塑哥本哈根的城市天际线,将成为城市中一个兼顾历史和功能的全新城市聚集地。”SHL资深合伙人Kristian Ahlmark说道。

"There are many parametres coming into play at this unique site in Copenhagen. The new buildingis part of the special historical context of Carlsberg, with its close proximity to the Elephant gates, where it will form a link between the two main public squares, Ottilia Jacobsen Square and Bryggernes Square. The location, with historic neighbours and a sloping terrain, creates an exciting and technical challenge. At the same time, the tower will rise above Carlsberg Cityand become part of Copenhagen's new skyline, thus becoming a reference pointthat both historically and physically will help tie the city together",says Senior Partner Kristian Ahlmark.

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When completed in 2024, Carlsberg City will be a vivid and diverse neighbourhood for living, working, learning and socialising.

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Modern and sustainable developments will mix with listed buildings. Shops and offices will integrate with housing, educational and daycare centres. In total, the development will offer over 3,000 new homes available at various price levels, whilst 10,000 students have already begun their first semester at the recently inaugurated UCC Campus Carlsberg.

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The project embraces red and dark shades of brick, blending with Carlsberg Byen’s palette of building materials and colours.

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The residential units of the structure will provide a remarkable view over Copenhagen and the new vibrant neighborhood of Carlsberg Byen.

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Daily commutes to and from the district will beprimarily human-powered thanks to a vast network of bicycle paths, and a new modern commuter railway station, which is expected to become one of the busiest in Copenhagen.

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The project is currently under construction and is expected to complete in 2021. The building’s foundation is made up of 22,000 cubic metres of concrete and 3,600 tons of reinforcement.

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 项目概况 FACTS 

规模 Size/

39,800 m²

竞赛 Competition/


2016, winner of open tender

状态 Status/


Expected completion 2021

业主 Client/

嘉士伯城市社区 Carlsberg Byen
建筑设计 Architects/

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

Holscher Nordberg Architects
承包商及结构顾问 Contractor & Structural Engineering/

机电顾问 MEP Engineering/

景观顾问 Landscape architect/

效果图 Visuals/


Cadwalk (Carlsberg Byen)

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