如恩快讯 | 青普扬州瘦西湖文化行馆荣获 The PLAN Award 2018 年度总冠军及最佳酒店建筑设计大奖

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如恩设计的青普扬州瘦西湖文化行馆荣获 2018 The PLAN Award 年度总冠军  最佳酒店建筑设计大奖 。颁奖典礼已于上周在威尼斯双年展上举行。

The Walled - Tsingpu Yangzhou Retreat, designed by Neri&Hu, is the Overall Winner and the Winner in Hospitality - Completed category of The PLAN Award 2018 . The results were accounced last week at Venice Biennale.

The PLAN Award 由著名意大利建筑专业杂志 The PLAN 主办,旨在推广全球城市规划、建筑与设计领域的杰出研究与实践,提升设计品质、推动理论发展,进而带动建筑规划与设计界的活力和进步。

THE PLAN AWARD is an award created and promoted by THE PLAN  Magazine to disseminate knowledge of and improve the quality of the work done by designers, academics, critics and students in the architecture, design and city planning fields, thereby promoting debate on topical design and planning themes.


Click the image below to know more about Tsingpu Yangzhou Retreat

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如恩为意大利灯具品牌Artemide设计的“燕子”灯也获得了今年 最佳产品设计提名 

Yanzi light designed by Neri&Hu for Artemide is an Honorable Mention in Industrial Design - Completed category .

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