喜讯 | 雅干广场项目荣获澳大利亚两项城市设计大奖

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ASPECT Studios广受赞誉的雅干广场项目再度传来获奖喜讯。雅干广场项目分别荣获了2019澳大利亚城市发展研究所(UDIA)国家杰出奖-城市更新大奖和2019西澳大利亚传承大奖。

Our Yagan Square Project won the 2019 Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) National Awards for Excellence- Urban Renewal, and 2019 Western Australia Heritage Awards.

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The UDIA National Awards for Excellence celebrates Australia’s contemporary knowledge, skills and innovation in the urban development industry and recognizes outstanding achievements of high quality developments. And the Western Australia Heritage Awards showcase excellence in revitalizing heritage places, setting standards for interpretation, conservation and adaptive reuse.

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Collaborated by a multi-disciplinary professional team, Yagan Square project enhances sustainability while allowing people to sense the unique Whadjuk culture and local landform. It showcases how exemplary heritage interpretation can transform an underutilized site into a destination that enriches the city. Judges of UDIA described the project as a “transformational project for Perth…which sets new benchmarks across a range of metrics”.

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Congratulations to our design team and all collaborators. Thanks all for the efforts that make people's life better and promote the development and prosperity of the city.


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